Monday, September 23, 2013

Hard To Say Good Bye

Another six weeks has passed and we are saying good bye to seven of our amazing Elders. This is transfer week and we just spent the evening enjoying the company of our leaving missionaries. We had dinner at the mission home, interviews with the President, and Family Home Evening. Once again the Elders hung a tie on the handrail of the mission home banister as a promise to us that they would continue to hold fast to the rod throughout their life. Tomorrow they will return for breakfast, and then we will attend the 11:00 session at the Manila Temple. What a treat for us to be in the temple with these seven valiant and faithful elders.
I have many more pictures to post but I am tired and headed to bed. I just couldn't wait to let you see our handsome leaving elders. We love them so much!
Here we go - here are the rest of my pictures: 
Monday: the leaving elders meet at the mission office and have a small breakfast then take part in ERC - which is a seven hour employment training class. After that, they drive to the mission home for dinner, interviews with the President, and FHE.
I don't care if you ARE going home tomorrow, this scares me! 
Tuesday: The leaving elders come to the mission home for breakfast and then we are off for a session at the Manila Temple. When we return, dinner is waiting for us, and then we share testimonies. After that, the elders head to their hotel so President and I can make it to the Manila airport in time to pick up the new missionaries coming from Provo.
After our session at the Manila Temple. 
 Getting ready for testimony meeting.
Can you see the green book sitting against the vase in the background? Right next to Joseph & Hyrum Smith? That was made for President and me by one of the leaving elders. It is filled with talks, thoughts, and lessons about our mission theme, "Being the Hands of the Savior." It is priceless to me! Thank you Elder T.


  1. They look happy so I'll assume dinner was good. No need to worry Mom. :)

  2. Oh Sister Tye, I just got home and got your message that my son is there and cared for. Thank you so much for the call!!! I can NOT believe I was not here! I'm shedding a few tears because I miss that kid (but its OK). I look forward to seeing pictures on your blog. I'm sending love and prayers to all of you.
    Kris Christensen

  3. Thank You for the phone call, from us too! My son just arrived with Elder Christensen. I am so thankful for your time and thoughtfulness. Both the call and this blog have brought us much comfort. Thank You!!

  4. I feel the same and I don't know if us missionary moms can Thank You enough for that sweet phone call! (When you should of been getting some sleep yourself) We are so grateful for all the extra things that you do and we feel very blessed that our son gets to serve in your mission. Thanks to you and Pres. Tye for all your love, kindness and service, we couldn't have asked for better!
    Lots of Love from Utah,
    Becky Collins
    P.S. I love that you think like a missionary mom, I can tell that you have been in our shoes before!

  5. I'm also very grateful for your phone call. It is such a comfort to know that my son, Elder Matina, has arrived safely! Your phone call is much appreciated. And I can't wait to see his smiling face on your beautiful blog. Thanks for taking the time to communicate with us the things that you do through this blog. I feel blessed that you are looking out for him. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
