Saturday, January 2, 2016

Odds And Ends

Every once in a while I end up with some pictures that just don't fit into the regular posting categories, so I save them up and put them in an "Odds and Ends" post. So here is a little bit of nothing at all . . .
Sister Stevenson gets a box from home
One of our RM's (aka Sister Koluse) sends me a birthday wish all the way from Tonga!
Elder Espiritu and Elder Uta'i
 Sister Harvey helps a little girl play a song.
Sisters' Bricenio, Lolohea, Abrio, and Priest on a Sunday afternoon. 
 Belva's brownies being made in the Philippines. (That is President Tye's mother) I bet she never guessed that her recipe would be famous in the Cavite Province.
 Butterfly Days and a parade in Dasma. 
 Two of our RM's dropped by to visit us. Known to us as Elder Woolf and Sister Rivero. What a treat!
 Inside a school yard at a birthday party.
 Oh my - look at all that butter.
 Haha - I like this sign.
 Dasma Zone
 I combined 3 large sets of dominoes for an activity at MLC. Now I have to separate all 236 of them into 3 sets again.
 President Tye while here serving as a missionary in 1976.
 Waffle cookies - a Christmas tradition at the Tye home.
Wait! What happened to 2015? It went by way too fast.

1 comment:

  1. There is my sweet Elder Boam peeking out from the back row and standing by his mission president. Yay!!
