Thursday, October 17, 2013

Interesting Comparison

Thanks to one of our office elders we have a map overlay to show you what the size of our mission is compared to the Salt Lake area of Utah. The black outline at the arrow is Salt Lake County. The small colored shape within the county lines is the size of our mission, the Philippines Cavite Mission. At 617 square miles, we are a little smaller than Salt Lake County.
Thanks to the 2010 Census, and help from a father of one of the elders who knows how to handle a calculator, we know that the Cavite Province will have a population of 3.4 million by the end of this year. But - the Cavite Mission does not just include Cavite Province, but also parts of Metro Manila and a small part of Laguna. If we add the population of the other areas within our mission boundaries, we get a total of approximately 4.5 million people.
(That's somewhere between "Whoa" and "Yikesie-dikesie-Snikes!")
Sure makes a traffic jam in the Salt Lake Valley after a BYU / UTAH game seem Heavenly!

Another interesting and useless fact - it takes us about 1 1/2 hours to travel from one end of the mission to the other. That is on a "good" traffic day. The longest period of time President and I have been on the road trying to get home from a meeting within the mission boundaries has been about 4 hours.

The way I figure it, if we can get a million missionaries in here, then our job will be done in 18 months - 2 years!


  1. Based on 4% yearly, at the end of 2013, the population would be almost 3.4 million

  2. Sister Tye,

    I have to tell you that Elder Christensen said the cup cakes you made were the best he had ever had and were amazing. He went on and on about them in his letter. :) Thanks for making such a great treat for these missionaries! I love you and appreciate you!!!!

  3. What part of Laguna is in the mission, a sister from our stake asked? She served in the Philippines many years ago and her last area was Los Banos.
